Band Boosters
If you are a band parent/guardian, you are a band booster. The boosters support the band program.
Upcoming Meetings
All meetings are at 7:00-8:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the Superior Community Center. Dates are also posted on the band calendar.​
2024-2025 Boosters Board
Band Booster Bylaws
Bylaws can be viewed here
Outreach and Awareness
Continue to build database of parents, students, community
Communicate with our collected groups
Pops Expansion and outreach
Volunteers – have openings that need shadowing
Strategically pursue community sponsorships
Create fundraising events or opportunities for sponsors
Build Wish Lists for 5-year plan
Expand Fundraising
Create and build sustainable fundraisers
Mission Statement
We are a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides critical financial and volunteer support to the Monarch High School Band programs.